To gain some idea about this initiative please look at the slides below (the second of which gives details of the project's bank account to which donations may be made). Further details can be found via the links above.
As a matter of policy, I make my notes free to all as my principal motivation has been to publicise just what a fantastic area Cadiz province is for birding. It's so good I'd simply feel guilty if I kept the 'secret' to myself! Previously, I have suggested that those who feel inclined make a donation to a charity of their choice. Although I remain happy for people to donate to charities of their choice, my preferred option is the Salarte project see You can read further about this excellent initiative at It's a small charity but one which 'punches above its weight' and needs all the funds it can get. So if you do use my notes or quarry any useful information from my meanderings here, please consider supporting this unique project whose aims combine both my love of birds, social history and the people of Cadiz province.
To gain some idea about this initiative please look at the slides below (the second of which gives details of the project's bank account to which donations may be made). Further details can be found via the links above.
About me ...Hi I'm John Cantelo. I've been birding seriously since the 1960s when I met up with some like minded folks (all of us are still birding!) at Taunton's School in Southampton. I have lived in Kent , where I taught History and Sociology, since the late 1970s. I've served on the committees of both my local RSPB group and the county ornithological society (KOS). I also worked as a part-time field teacher for the RSPB at Dungeness. Having retired I now spend as much time as possible in Alcala de los Gazules in SW Spain. When I'm not birding I edit books for the Crossbill Guides series. CategoriesArchives
December 2024