Despite being cold, wet and foggy we managed to see a good range of raptors (several Spanish Imperial Eagles, a similar number of Golden Eagles and a good sprinkling of Black Vultures amongst the Griffons) and were delighted to find Azure-winged Magpies abundant. We even saw a Wild Boar, but of Lynx we saw not the slightest sign. We twice missed one – by ten minutes or so– but they proved extremely elusive and reluctant to show more than once. Naturally just before we'd got to Andújar, when the weather had been sunnier and warmer, they'd performed well. The day after we left, when the weather had improved, the also relented and showed themselves to the waiting enthusiasts. Not only that but we'd managed to get a ticket for parking on the road!
Never in our wildest dreams did we expect to see one so close nor, as it transpired, for so long!
carefully free-wheeled down the slope behind him. The animal casually crossed the road to our left, but then came back to the right and began to climb the slope to our right passing just above the car as he did so. He obviously knew we were there, but just wasn't worried! Far from getting a distant heat hazed view, we'd had a stunning 5 minute audience with this fantastic creature going about its business and pretty much ignoring us. Amazing!