February - February Birding Blues
March - Terrace Temptations, Black-winged Kite, Thekla vs Crested Lark ID I, Llanos de Libar, Unknown Unknowns - Finding your own Hotspots, Bolonia & Sierra de la Plata, Laguna de Medina & Laguna de Cigarrera (Lagunas de Lebrija)
April - Little Bustards in Cadiz Province
May - Bald Ibis Reintroduction, & Laguna de Tollos
June - Finding Olivaceous Warbler, & Little Bustards: an update
July - Salinas de Santa Maria, Bloomin’ Spring
September - 2.5 Cheers for Foundation Migres, Seeing Great Bustards in Andalucia (Osuna) Great Bustards in Andalucia
October - Vulture Restaurants, Lagunas de Lantejuela
December - Mesas de Asta Marsh
January - In memoriam Susan Cantelo
February - Molinos Valley (Alcala de los Gazules) Cabo de Trafalgar
June - Along the Guadalquivir (Laguna de Venta La Senuela)
July - Marismas de Barbate (inner marshes)
December - Honey Buzzards over Alcala
March - Lagunas de Puerto de Santa Maria, Laguna de Paja, Lantejuela revisited, & Bustards & Black-bellied Sandgrouse (Osuna)
May - Laguna de Paja Revisited & Missing Lynx No Longer (Andujar)
June - Birds from the Coast of Trafalgar (Tourist booklet), Birding Tarifa & Lagunas de Puerto de Santa Maria - update
February - Lesser Kestrels, Adventus Marshes & Finding Marbled Teal
March - Review: Helm Guide to Bird Identification, Birding (Rubbish) Tips & Butcher Birds – shrikes
April - Review: Field Guide to the Birds of the Straits of Gibraltar
May - Osuna & Lantejuela Revisited
June - Art of Serendipity – Llanos de Libar, Paja, Bonanza pools, etc. & New Migres Centre at Punta Camorro
July - Borderlands (History), Jimena de la Frontera (Lomas de Camara), Barbate update & Laguna de los Tollos
August - Surf & Turf – Conil area (NB – in recent years track ‘d’ on the map has degraded badly & may be impassable)
September - Tracks & potholes
October - Updates & Discoveries - Pena Arpade (Alcala de Los Gazules), Jimena de la Frontera, Sierra Utrerera (Manilva), Punta Roche & Punta Camorro (Tarifa)
March - Andalusian Half-foot (A History of Andalucian Hemipode in Spain), Slender-billed Gull: A Rosy Gull by any other name, Review: Birds of the Iberian Peninsula & Crested vs Crested Lark Revisited
April - Almost Widdrington’s Magpie (The discovery of Azure-winged Magpie)
May - Bald Ibis in Spain – Historical Context, Birding Cadiz – update to my guide & Looking for Little Bustards
July - Laja de la Zarga (Bolonia)
September - Montenmedio
October - Cazalla - Access Improved (Tarifa) & Birding Senderos November - La Janda - Past, present & Possible Future & Review – Birding Calais
November - La Janda - Past, present & Possible Future & Review – Birding Calais
February - ID Pallid vs Common Swift, Review: Flight Identification of European Raptors (1st edition) & Updates Cazalla (Tarifa), Tarifa & Laguna de la Tollos
March - Spain’s Newest Psittacines (Introduced parrots)
April - Cazalla – new access road, ID Crested vs Thekla’s Lark revisited (again), Ojen Valley (closure to vehicles) & Aliens Amongst Us (Introduced Exotics)
May - Review: Aves de Espana - (Note: now available in an English language version) & Reptiles & Amphibians
August - ID: Are we missing Lesser Kestrels?, Canada de Marchantes (History), Lagunas de Lantejuela & Review: Britain’s Birds – the best photo guide yet
September - Salarte Project (Bahai de Cadiz)
October - Recommended Guides
November - Getting there – air, rail, road & sea
December - E-bird version of my guide
January - Mysterious Mosquitero - Iberian Chiffchaff
February - Crossbill Guide to Western Andalucía
March - Marismas de Cetina (pre-opening), Birding Cadiz update & Review: Birds of Europe, North Africa & Middle East – Jiguet et al
May - Ojen Valley - Permit details & Cadiz Wetlands
September - Two site solution – Tarifa is not the only option
June - Brief Updates - Cañada de Marchantes - Lagunas de Chiclana, La Janda, Trebujena , St Maria de Bartivas Saltpans, Barbate, Conil & Cazalla, E-bird version of my guide & Birding Bahai de Cadiz
July - Three Days in Andalucia – guest blog by Julian Thomas
August - Paradise Regained? A New Future for La Janda & Cañadas in Andalucia – cultural, social & history of Andalucian droveways
September - Wildlife Guides – video & La Janda Revisited
November - La Janda – a new chapter?
December - In memoriam – Liz Cantelo
January - Gemma’s Tribute
March - Larking About in Morocco
May - Barbate Marshes – Esteros de la Isleta de San Frisco
June - Marismas de Cetina & Dehesa de las Yeguas (pre-opening of reserve), Mallorcan Interlude, Laguna Tercios (Lagunas de Puerto de Santa Maria) & Marisma Aletus (Bahai de Cadiz)
July - Salinas de Tapa – guest blog by Nick Brown, Bits ‘n’ Bobs - Updates - La Janda, El Celemin – area recreativa, Punta Comorro (Tarifa), Laguna de Jeli & Laguna de Tollos & Further Updates - Molinos valley [Alcala de los Gazules], Along the Guadalquivir & Three cheers for Trebujena
August - Pioneering British Ornithologists in Andalucia, Why don’t you come up and see me sometime? An invitation to birders & Barbate - Proposed new wetland (NB - this proposal not been implemented)
October - Blistering Bushchats!, Good news for magical marismas – Guadalquivir, The Other Pinar Algaida (Puerto Real) & Cadiz Birding (September) – guest blog Hilary McBean
March - Thank You – fund raising for Alzheimer’s Society
June - Review: Britain’s Birds 2nd Edition
July - ID: Short-toed Larks
November - Review: Swarovski 10x42 NL binoculars & Forthcoming - Europe's Birds
April - Review: Birding & Nature Trails in the Sierra Morena (4 volumes)
May - Wildlife Aware Vineyards (Conil) & Biggest Squatters in Spain (La Janda)
June - Flyway Birding Association & Trebujena booklet & video link
October - Review: Europe’s Birds – photo-guide
February - E-birding, Pinar del Rey & Junta de Dos Rios
March - Parque Oromana (Seville) – A Convenient Site for Azure-winged Magpie, Updates (Laguna de Medina & Marisma de Cetina), La Janda Update, Humedal El Patano (Los Palacios), Punta Camorro & the Straits, Bonanza Area, Costa Ballena & Tajo de los Figueras (History)
May - Egrets I’ve had a few .. (Laguna de Camino Colorado), Walking Routes - Valdienfierno, Picacho, Montera de Torero & Molinos Valley (Alcala), Sojourn in Seville - Humedal El Patano (Los Palacios), Laguna Mejorada (Los Palacios) & Parque Oromana (Alcala de Guadaira, Seville), Tale of three lagunas - Lagunas de Medina, Taraje & de Jeli (info on the new hide & boardwalks), Marismas de Cetina - details of the new reserve & Trebujena - Going ga-gaa (Pin-tailed Sandgrouse & other birds of the marismas)
June - Humedal Cerro de Ciguenos (Los Palacios) & Bustards and Breakfasts – (Los Badalejos, Benalup)
August – Review: Birdwatching Calendar for Cadiz – a useful booklet & El Aguila project – La Janda (partial) restoration
September - Laguna de Torrox (Jerez)
October - Guest blog – October Birding in Cadiz - David Tomlinson, Monte Propios - walking routes near Algar, El Berrueco (Medina Sidonia), Desembocadura de Rio San Pedro (Puerto Real), Birding Atlantis (Mesas de Asta & Trebujena), All at Sea – a pelagic trip from Cadiz & Cañada de Valcargado
November - The Magic of Birding the Strait – link to video by Inglorious Bustards & Guest blog: Birding Bonanza & nearby – cruise ship birding - Mike Pennington
February - Birding the Guadalquivir, Brief Updates - Osuna, Ballena, La Janda,Lagunas de Lebrija, Humedal el Patano, Marismas de Casablanca, Los Badalejos, Portal - White Stork Colony (Jerez), Puntas Secreta & Carnero (Algeciras) & Palmones & Tour of Lagunas - Lagunas de Lantejuela [Seville], Lagunas de Puerto de Santa Maria,Lagunas de Espera, Lagunas de Lebrija, Laguna de Tollos & Laguna de Medina
May - Finding Iberian Chiffchaff – two quick stops off the A381, Area Recreativa Los Tornos – birds & history (Fascinas) & Finding Pin-tailed Sandgrouse (Trebujena)
March - Restoration of the Marismas de Trebujena, Marismas de Trebujena, Marismas de Henares & Pinar de Algaida & Diversion into Aragon: Finding Dupont’s Lark
May - Refugio de Libar (Montejaque) & Return of the Rufous Bushchat
June - Ospreys in Cadiz Province
October - A Walk around the new Trebujena Reserve, El Cabrito to El Cuarton, One Good Tern ... tips to find Lesser Crested Tern & Chipiona Pelagic