Bushchats can be found anywhere in the vineyards to the north and west of Trebujena and a few can be seen in the vineyards to the south towards Jerez de la Frontera. Don't let their status here fool you, this is a bird in big trouble which has been declining for years (so act accordingly and don't use playback). I habitually look for them by arriving early via 'a' and slowly driving around to 'b', 'c; and 'd' with the option turning along the road by the cemetery ('f') to repeat the process if unsuccessful on the first circuit (I never have been!). Alternatively, you can take the narrow but well surfaced road (e) over the brow of the hill which passes through more suitable habitat and offers a great view across the Gudalquivir towards the Coto Donana. Others have seen them along the road and tracks at 'g' (and the habitat also looks suitable at 'h'). If you're in any doubt that either you're in the right place or that the locals take pride in their birdlife, just look out for the helpful ceramic signs!